Keyboard Shortcuts

This page contains a list of all shortcuts available throughout the app.

Shared Editor shortcuts

These shortcuts work when editing both Markdown files and code files.

Shortcut Description
Tab, Cmd/Ctrl+[ Indent selection
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+\ Indent selection
Shift+Tab, Cmd/Ctrl+] Unindent selection
, , , Move the cursor by one character or line
Ctrl+, Ctrl+ (Win/Linux) Move cursor to the next/previous syntactic element, or by one group of word- or non-word characters
Alt+, Alt+ (macOS) Move cursor to the next/previous syntactic element, or by one group of word- or non-word characters
Cmd+, Cmd+ (macOS) Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line
Home, End Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line
Ctrl+, Ctrl+ Move the cursor by one page
PageUp, PageDown Move the cursor by one page
Cmd+, Cmd+ (macOS) Move cursor to the beginning or end of the document
Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End (Win/Linux) Move cursor to the beginning or end of the document
Enter Insert a new line and indent according to context
Cmd/Ctrl+A Select all text
Cmd/Ctrl+C Copy
Cmd/Ctrl+V Paste
Cmd/Ctrl+X Cut. Cuts the entire line if nothing is selected
Backspace, Delete Delete character before or after the cursor
Backspace If there is a pair of brackets surrounding the cursor, delete both
Ctrl+Backspace, Ctrl+Delete (Win/Linux) Delete a group of word- or non-word characters before or after the cursor
Alt+Backspace, Alt+Delete (macOS) Delete a group of word- or non-word characters before or after the cursor
Cmd+Backspace, Cmd+Delete (macOS) Delete the entire line before or after the cursor
Ctrl+B (macOS) Move cursor to the left
Ctrl+F (macOS) Move cursor to the right
Ctrl+P (macOS) Move cursor up
Ctrl+N (macOS) Move cursor down
Ctrl+A (macOS) Move cursor to the beginning of the line
Ctrl+E (macOS) Move cursor to the end of the line
Ctrl+D (macOS) Delete character after the cursor
Ctrl+H (macOS) Delete character before the cursor
Ctrl+K (macOS) Delete the line after the cursor
Ctrl+Alt+H (macOS) Delete a group of word- or non-word characters
Ctrl+O (macOS) Split the line at the cursor
Ctrl+T (macOS) Transpose the chars before and after the cursor
Ctrl+V (macOS) Move the cursor one page down
Alt+, Alt+ Move the current line up or down
Shift+Alt+, Shift+Alt+ Duplicate the current line up or down
Escape Remove all selections, keeping only one cursor. If there is only one cursor, pressing Escape allows you to use Tab to focus out of the editor
Cmd/Ctrl+Enter Insert a new line, but without continuing syntactic elements such as lists
Alt+L (Win/Linux) Select the current line
Ctrl+L (macOS) Select the current line
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+K Delete the current line
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+\ If the cursor touches a bracket, move to the matching bracket
Cmd/Ctrl+\ Toggle comment
Alt+A (Win/Linux) Toggle a block-comment
Ctrl+M (Win/Linux) Toggle whether Tab can be used to tab away from the editor
Shift+Alt+M (macOS) Toggle whether Tab can be used to tab away from the editor
Cmd/Ctrl+F Open search panel
F3, Shift+F3 Find next or previous match
Cmd/Ctrl+G Find next match
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+G Find previous match
Escape Close search panel
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+L Select all instances of the currently selected text
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+G Go to line
Cmd/Ctrl+D Select the next occurrence of the currently selected text, or select the word under the cursor
Cmd/Ctrl+Z Undo
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Z Redo
Cmd/Ctrl+U Undo selection
Alt+U (Win/Linux) Redo selection
Cmd+Shift+U (macOS) Redo selection

Markdown-specific shortcuts

These shortcuts work when editing Markdown files.

Shortcut Description
Cmd/Ctrl+B Bold
Cmd/Ctrl+I Italic
Cmd/Ctrl+K Insert link
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+I Insert image
Cmd/Ctrl+T Create task-list
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+C Toggle comment
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+C Copy with formatting
Cmd/Ctrl+V Paste with formatting
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+V Paste as plain
Cmd/Ctrl+L Insert Zettelkasten ID
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+L Copy current Zettelkasten ID

Autocomplete and AutoCorrect shortcuts

These shortcuts work when an autocomplete prompt is open, and when autocompleting.

Shortcut Description
Escape Close the autocomplete panel
, Select next/previous suggestion
PageUp, PageDown Move selected suggestion by a page
Enter, Tab Accept Completion
Backspace If there is a smart quote in front of the cursor, replace it with a regular quote.
Space, Enter Auto-replace if the text in front of the cursor matches a replacement pattern

Snippet shortcuts

These shortcuts work while a snippet with tabstops is active.

Shortcut Description
Tab Go to the next snippet

Code-specific shortcuts

These shortcuts work while editing code files.

Shortcut Description
Cmd/Ctrl+I Select the parent syntactic element

App-wide shortcuts

These shortcuts are available across the entire app.

Shortcut Description
Cmd/Ctrl+, Open preferences
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+, Open asset manager
Cmd/Ctrl+Q Quit Zettlr
Cmd/Ctrl+N New file
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+N New window
Cmd/Ctrl+O Open new workspace
Cmd/Ctrl+S Save file
Cmd/Ctrl+E Export
Cmd/Ctrl+P Print
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+T Focus file manager — activates arrow key navigation and type-to-filter
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+L Toggle dark mode
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+S Toggle file metadata
Cmd/Ctrl+! Toggle file manager
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+0 Toggle sidebar
Cmd/Ctrl++ Zoom in
Cmd/Ctrl+- Zoom out
Cmd/Ctrl+0 Reset zoom
Ctrl+Tab (macOS) Next tab
Alt+Tab (Win/Linux) Next tab
Ctrl+Shift+Tab (macOS) Previous tab
Alt+Shift+Tab (Win/Linux) Previous tab
Cmd/Ctrl+W Close current tab
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+W Close current window
F1 Open this documentation


These shortcuts work when the debug mode is active.

Shortcut Description
Cmd+Alt+I (macOS) Open DevTools
Ctrl+Shift+I (Win/Linux) Open DevTools
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L Open logs
F5 Reload window

Table editor shortcuts

These shortcuts work while in Markdown tables.

Shortcut Description
Tab Select next cell
Shift+Tab Select previous cell
Enter Select next row
Select previous row
Select next row