Keyboard Shortcuts¶
This page contains a list of all shortcuts available throughout the app.
Shared Editor shortcuts¶
These shortcuts work when editing both Markdown files and code files.
Shortcut | Description |
Tab, Cmd/Ctrl+[ | Indent selection |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+\ | Indent selection |
Shift+Tab, Cmd/Ctrl+] | Unindent selection |
←, →, ↑, ↓ | Move the cursor by one character or line |
Ctrl+←, Ctrl+→ (Win/Linux) | Move cursor to the next/previous syntactic element, or by one group of word- or non-word characters |
Alt+←, Alt+→ (macOS) | Move cursor to the next/previous syntactic element, or by one group of word- or non-word characters |
Cmd+←, Cmd+→ (macOS) | Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line |
Home, End | Move the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line |
Ctrl+↑, Ctrl+↓ | Move the cursor by one page |
PageUp, PageDown | Move the cursor by one page |
Cmd+↑, Cmd+↓ (macOS) | Move cursor to the beginning or end of the document |
Ctrl+Home, Ctrl+End (Win/Linux) | Move cursor to the beginning or end of the document |
Enter | Insert a new line and indent according to context |
Cmd/Ctrl+A | Select all text |
Cmd/Ctrl+C | Copy |
Cmd/Ctrl+V | Paste |
Cmd/Ctrl+X | Cut. Cuts the entire line if nothing is selected |
Backspace, Delete | Delete character before or after the cursor |
Backspace | If there is a pair of brackets surrounding the cursor, delete both |
Ctrl+Backspace, Ctrl+Delete (Win/Linux) | Delete a group of word- or non-word characters before or after the cursor |
Alt+Backspace, Alt+Delete (macOS) | Delete a group of word- or non-word characters before or after the cursor |
Cmd+Backspace, Cmd+Delete (macOS) | Delete the entire line before or after the cursor |
Ctrl+B (macOS) | Move cursor to the left |
Ctrl+F (macOS) | Move cursor to the right |
Ctrl+P (macOS) | Move cursor up |
Ctrl+N (macOS) | Move cursor down |
Ctrl+A (macOS) | Move cursor to the beginning of the line |
Ctrl+E (macOS) | Move cursor to the end of the line |
Ctrl+D (macOS) | Delete character after the cursor |
Ctrl+H (macOS) | Delete character before the cursor |
Ctrl+K (macOS) | Delete the line after the cursor |
Ctrl+Alt+H (macOS) | Delete a group of word- or non-word characters |
Ctrl+O (macOS) | Split the line at the cursor |
Ctrl+T (macOS) | Transpose the chars before and after the cursor |
Ctrl+V (macOS) | Move the cursor one page down |
Alt+↑, Alt+↓ | Move the current line up or down |
Shift+Alt+↑, Shift+Alt+↓ | Duplicate the current line up or down |
Escape | Remove all selections, keeping only one cursor. If there is only one cursor, pressing Escape allows you to use Tab to focus out of the editor |
Cmd/Ctrl+Enter | Insert a new line, but without continuing syntactic elements such as lists |
Alt+L (Win/Linux) | Select the current line |
Ctrl+L (macOS) | Select the current line |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+K | Delete the current line |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+\ | If the cursor touches a bracket, move to the matching bracket |
Cmd/Ctrl+\ | Toggle comment |
Alt+A (Win/Linux) | Toggle a block-comment |
Ctrl+M (Win/Linux) | Toggle whether Tab can be used to tab away from the editor |
Shift+Alt+M (macOS) | Toggle whether Tab can be used to tab away from the editor |
Cmd/Ctrl+F | Open search panel |
F3, Shift+F3 | Find next or previous match |
Cmd/Ctrl+G | Find next match |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+G | Find previous match |
Escape | Close search panel |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+L | Select all instances of the currently selected text |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+G | Go to line |
Cmd/Ctrl+D | Select the next occurrence of the currently selected text, or select the word under the cursor |
Cmd/Ctrl+Z | Undo |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Z | Redo |
Cmd/Ctrl+U | Undo selection |
Alt+U (Win/Linux) | Redo selection |
Cmd+Shift+U (macOS) | Redo selection |
Markdown-specific shortcuts¶
These shortcuts work when editing Markdown files.
Shortcut | Description |
Cmd/Ctrl+B | Bold |
Cmd/Ctrl+I | Italic |
Cmd/Ctrl+K | Insert link |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+I | Insert image |
Cmd/Ctrl+T | Create task-list |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+C | Toggle comment |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+C | Copy with formatting |
Cmd/Ctrl+V | Paste with formatting |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+V | Paste as plain |
Cmd/Ctrl+L | Insert Zettelkasten ID |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+L | Copy current Zettelkasten ID |
Autocomplete and AutoCorrect shortcuts¶
These shortcuts work when an autocomplete prompt is open, and when autocompleting.
Shortcut | Description |
Escape | Close the autocomplete panel |
↑, ↓ | Select next/previous suggestion |
PageUp, PageDown | Move selected suggestion by a page |
Enter, Tab | Accept Completion |
Backspace | If there is a smart quote in front of the cursor, replace it with a regular quote. |
Space, Enter | Auto-replace if the text in front of the cursor matches a replacement pattern |
Snippet shortcuts¶
These shortcuts work while a snippet with tabstops is active.
Shortcut | Description |
Tab | Go to the next snippet |
Code-specific shortcuts¶
These shortcuts work while editing code files.
Shortcut | Description |
Cmd/Ctrl+I | Select the parent syntactic element |
App-wide shortcuts¶
These shortcuts are available across the entire app.
Shortcut | Description |
Cmd/Ctrl+, | Open preferences |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+, | Open asset manager |
Cmd/Ctrl+Q | Quit Zettlr |
Cmd/Ctrl+N | New file |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+N | New window |
Cmd/Ctrl+O | Open new workspace |
Cmd/Ctrl+S | Save file |
Cmd/Ctrl+E | Export |
Cmd/Ctrl+P | |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+T | Focus file manager — activates arrow key navigation and type-to-filter |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+L | Toggle dark mode |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+S | Toggle file metadata |
Cmd/Ctrl+! | Toggle file manager |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+0 | Toggle sidebar |
Cmd/Ctrl++ | Zoom in |
Cmd/Ctrl+- | Zoom out |
Cmd/Ctrl+0 | Reset zoom |
Ctrl+Tab (macOS) | Next tab |
Alt+Tab (Win/Linux) | Next tab |
Ctrl+Shift+Tab (macOS) | Previous tab |
Alt+Shift+Tab (Win/Linux) | Previous tab |
Cmd/Ctrl+W | Close current tab |
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+W | Close current window |
F1 | Open this documentation |
These shortcuts work when the debug mode is active.
Shortcut | Description |
Cmd+Alt+I (macOS) | Open DevTools |
Ctrl+Shift+I (Win/Linux) | Open DevTools |
Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L | Open logs |
F5 | Reload window |
Table editor shortcuts¶
These shortcuts work while in Markdown tables.
Shortcut | Description |
Tab | Select next cell |
Shift+Tab | Select previous cell |
Enter | Select next row |
↑ | Select previous row |
↓ | Select next row |